

  • 识别, 建立和监督战略, 旨在确保关键数据质量的目标和政策, focusing primarily on those data used for compliance reporting to external agencies
  • Align the college’s data management practices and usage policies to allow for two-way data and information flow across systems and offices, 部门及部门
  • 调整外部遵从性报告指示, 数据定义, 以及对数据输入的要求, 聚合, 对学院的数据进行编码
  • Establish and maintain a data definition dictionary and coding standards for the college’s critical external compliance and internal 操作s reporting requirements and use by Webi super-users
  • 识别, establish and oversee processes for data corrections at the data-entry level and back-ground data that are based on established 数据定义 and standards
  • 定义, 开发并记录数据度量标准, 以及指标的变化, 用于外部和内部报告, e.g., 平衡计分卡, 实现梦想, 自愿问责框架, BCH报告, 持久性/保留报告, 等.


本章程应构成组织结构, 操作, 数据治理委员会的成员和职责.


  • 识别, 建立和监督战略, 旨在确保关键数据质量的目标和政策, focusing primarily on those data used for compliance reporting to external agencies
  • Align the college’s data management practices and usage policies to allow for two-way data and information flow across systems and offices, 部门及部门
  • 调整外部遵从性报告指示, 数据定义, 以及对数据输入的要求, 聚合, 对学院的数据进行编码
  • Establish and maintain a data definition dictionary and coding standards for the college’s critical external compliance and internal 操作s reporting requirements and use by Webi super-users
  • 识别, establish and oversee processes for data corrections at the data-entry level and back-ground data that are based on established 数据定义 and standards
  • 定义, 开发并记录数据度量标准, 以及指标的变化, 用于外部和内部报告, e.g., 平衡计分卡, 实现梦想, 自愿问责框架, BCH报告, 持久性/保留报告, 等.


  1. The 数据治理 Committee provides 决策 authority in the determination of appropriate data codes, 数据类型, 输入和提取过程, definitions and counsel to the super users group regarding the appropriate use of those data.
  2. The President maintains final decision-making authority for 操作al matters for this committee


关键客户/利益相关者 输入方法
  • 管理员
  • 工作人员
  • 领导
  • 政府机构
  • 简约的顾问
  • 法规遵循的识别和优先级排序, 审计和内部指标的重点数据质量审查
  • Identification of external trends effecting the need for organizing college data (e.g.(增加双录取和中等院校)


The 数据治理 Committee will produce an annual project plan based on the input methods from the 关键客户/利益相关者.  The committee will establish baseline and data improvement measures to document the improvement of data quality using a data maturity model. The Committee is accountable for routine reporting of data quality improvements to the 领导委员会, 策略规划委员会, 学术委员会, 行政委员会, 劳工焦点委员会, 和客户关注委员会,以维持这一章程.


  1. 员工 become members of the 数据治理 Committee through invitation and appointment by the 总统办公室.
  2. 会员 shall be based on the College’s primary data entry point offices, Webi超级用户学员, and external and internal reporting specialists; and shall include experts in student, 员工, 金融, 校友, 供应商, 操作数据和管理这些数据的技术;
  3. 成员资格包括
    1. 常务委员——作为一项工作职能而任命
    2. 有任期限制的成员-被任命在规定的期限内任职
    3. Ex-officio/Ad-Hoc members – Appointed to fill a process or input specific function


  1. 主席——准备议程, runs the meeting and maintains order; serves as the point of contact for the committee; is accountable for making representing the committee and making reports on behalf of the committee. Works to achieve effective group process including participation and engagement and effective/objective 决策 and 解决问题. 主席是委员会中有表决权的成员.
  2. 抄写员——抄写员是委员会的中立支持者. 抄写员应记录讨论内容, 以不偏不倚的方式解决问题和规划委员会. Prepares minutes following each meeting and circulates past meeting minutes and current meeting agendas in advance of each meeting.  书记员在委员会中没有表决权.
  3. Data authority expert –Serves as an invited guest and data expert to the committee; facilitates special topic discussions, 解决问题 and guides the 数据治理 Committee’s 决策 on a particular set of data. The Data authority expert is not a regular member of the committee and is not a voting member of the committee.
  4. Member – An appointed participant of the committee selected based on content/process expertise/interest or customer/supplier representation. 成员应充分参与规划工作, 解决问题, 决策, 和投票.


  1. Regular 会议 – 会议 shall be scheduled on a routine sufficient to complete the work of the Committee. 根据需要,会议将每半月举行一次.
  2. Special 会议 – Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the Chairperson, 或应总统的要求.
  3. 出席会议-定期出席会议是会员的期望. Significant absences (3 meetings in a calendar year) may result in evaluation of the appointment and loss of membership.
  4. 分钟 of proceedings – 分钟 shall be maintained, for each meeting, by the scribe. They will be distributed to the committee and 领导委员会 within one week of the meeting and at least two weeks in advance of the next scheduled meeting.  分钟 will be reviewed for accuracy and completeness as a part of the regular order of business.  Corrections will be noted in the minutes for the meeting in which they are reviewed.
