
Looking to increase your employability or enter a new career quickly?

Our short-term and rapid training options provide students with the skills needed to obtain entry level positions in six months or less. 参加这些课程的学生不能获得大学学分. 这些课程以行业为重点,并注重实践, providing the direct training that allows program graduates to succeed in their new fields.


Below are the steps from receiving your registration confirmation to gaining access to your online class, 包括以下资料:

  • 如何收到你的学生证号码;
  • 如何设置和访问全球网络赌博平台的电子邮件;
  • How to find your online class; and

If, at any time, you need assistance or have questions, you can reach the CCE team at JC-CCE@tuchfuehlung.net.

  • 第一步:联系公司和继续教育部门

    Get started today by contacting 企业及持续教育 at JC-CCE@tuchfuehlung.net.

    Once you register for a CCE class, you will receive an email from the CCE department. This email is your confirmation that the CCE team is working on getting your 杰克逊的大学 Student ID set-up. 一旦完成, 您将收到第二封电子邮件, 提供你的学生证号码, 密码信息, 以及设置全球网络赌博平台电子邮件的步骤.

  • 第二步:我收到一封带有我的学生证号码的电子邮件. 接下来我需要做什么?

    Now, you are ready to access your JC Student email account. 遵循以下步骤, and don’t forget to write your username and password down, you will need these for JetNet (that’s where you sign-in to your online class).

    1. Access the 杰克逊的大学 E-mail link at the top of the JC website, as pictured below.

    2. Figure-out your username: The username format for logging into your JC email is the first seven letters of your last name, 你名字的前七个字母, 中间的首字母加上@my定义域.tuchfuehlung.net.

    Write it out:

    first seven letters of your last name + 你名字的前七个字母 + your middle initial + @my.tuchfuehlung.net

    Full example: If your name were student, Jane Anita Smithson, your username would be: smithsojanea@my.tuchfuehlung.net.

    3. Figure-out your password: Your default password is the first letter of your first name CAPITALIZED, 您的姓氏的第一个字母小写, 出生日期的两位数字(不是月份), the last two digits of your birth year and the last four digits of your student ID.

    4. 现在,登录你的JC邮箱! 同样,记得写下你的用户名和密码.

  • Step Three: I have my username, password, and logged-in to my JC email. 接下来我需要做什么?

    Now, let’s access your class through the 杰克逊的大学 online course portal, called JetNet. Here, you will see everything you need to get started in your class as well as other JetNet resources.

    1. Before you log-in, CCE would like you to watch this quick JetNet取向 video:


    1. Now, let’s access the JetNet Online Classes link at the top of the JC website, pictured below.


    1. Log-In! Your username and password is the same as your 杰克逊的大学 email address. 一定要包括@my.jccmi.用户名中的Edu.
    2. Now, you can access your dashboard or search for your class and start exploring the syllabus and other class materials. You can also reach out to your instructor directly through JetNet.


    1. JetNet中另一个很棒的资源是JetReady! Before taking your first online class at 杰克逊的大学, JetReady can help ensure you are prepared.

    JetReady offers various sessions to help you feel more comfortable navigating through JetNet. Most students complete JetReady in approximately 2 to 4 hours. Once you select your session you will have 7 days to complete the 2-4 hours of online activities, 在你方便的时候.

    To find additional information about or to register for JetReady sessions, follow this link: http://p0gu.tuchfuehlung.net/jetready/.

Cross Listed Non-Credit Courses offered at a 减少学费 Rate

除了提供的技能之外, certificates, 或副学士学位选项, CCE has reserved seats in select Career and Technical Education classes to allow individuals to explore the programs, 提高他们的技能, or for employers looking to train a small number of employees.


  • 财务会计概念
  • 电气系统I
  • 全球网络赌博平台管理原则
  • Auto Cad I
  • 计算机网络
  • 阅读蓝图

课程包括但不限于上述列表. If you are looking for other or more advance academic subjects, 寻找更多信息, 或者给我们发邮件 JC-CCE@tuchfuehlung.net

Courses are subject to Academic Policy for Section Cancellation (Policy #1009) as well as Pathways Scheduling.